16 January 2009
Cameron Hudson (African Affairs)
Classification Level:
National Security Council. Executive Office of the President.Darfur. Cameron Hudson. Transition 7649.
Transition Memo:
Transition 7649 –Darfur
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Chronology for Darfur
State Department Statement on Sudan: Situation in Darfur (December 16, 2003)
Memorandum of Telephone Conversation with President Bashir of Sudan (March 22, 2004)
Agenda and Discussion Papers for Deputies Committee Meeting on Darfur (June 24, 2004)
White House Statement: President Condemns Atrocities in Sudan (April 7, 2004)
Summary of Conclusions for Deputies Committee Meeting on Sudan (July 7, 2004)
Summary of Conclusions for Deputies Committee Meeting on Sudan (July 15, 2004)
Discussion Papers for Deputies Committee Meeting on Sudan (July 28, 2004)
Date: 16 December 2003
Author(s): Richard Boucher (Spokesman for United States Department of State)
Description: Spokesman expressesconcern for situation in Darfur, highlighting displacement/casualty numbers, economic assault. U.S. calls for talks and de-escalation.
Date: 7 April 2004
Author(s): George W. Bush (statement)oClassification Level: UnclassifiedoFolder: 3
Description: Bush calls for Sudan to immediately cease hostilities, highlights peaceefforts and casualties, and states that U.S. will only move toward normal Sudan relations upon peace agreement
Revised summary of Conclusions for Deputies Committee Meeting on Sudan (July 28, 2004)
Date: 9 September 2004
Author(s): George W. Bush (statement)
Description: Bush expresses disgust at Sudanese situation, points out existing American efforts (specifically Sec. State Powell’s being sent to Khartorum). States that Sudan has not complied with international measures and highlights new measures U.S. will take.o
White House Statement: President's Statement on Violence in Darfur, Sudan (September 9, 2004)
Memorandum of Telephone Conversation with President Bashir of Sudan (November 16, 2004)
The Crisis in Darfur: Secretary Colin L. Powell's Testimony Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (September 9, 2004)
Summary of Conclusions for Deputies Committee Meeting on Sudan (January 4, 2005)
Date: 31 January 2008
Author(s): Stephen J. HadleyP
Description: Hadley states that America has the chance to make significant progress in settling the lasting geopolitical effects of the Balkan wars if three objectives can be met. Hadley points to the reelection of moderate Serbian President Tadic,Kosovo’s gaining independence, and the invitation of Macedonia, Croatia, and Albania into NATO. Hadley argues that E.U. and NATO membership, plus a moderate Serbian government and an independent Kosovo, will stabilize the region and prevent backsliding/increased Russian influence.
Agenda and Discussion Papers for Deputies Committee Meeting on Sudan (January 18, 2005
Revised Summary of Conclusions for Deputies Committee Meeting on Sudan (January 18, 2005)
Summary of Conclusions for Deputies Committee on Sudan (August 4, 2005)
Summary of Conclusions for Deputies Committee Meeting on Sudan (April 7, 2005)
Summary of Conclusions for Deputies Committee Meeting on Sudan (November 3, 2005)
Summary of Conclusions for Deputies Committee Meeting on Sudan (January 10, 2006)
Memorandum of Telephone Conversation with President Bashir of Sudan (May 11,2006)
Memorandum of Conversation with President Sassou-Nguesso of the Republic of Congo (June 5, 2006)
Memorandum of Telephone Conversation with President Sassou-Nguesso of the Republic of Congo (May 6, 2006)
Memorandum of Conversation with Minni Minawi,Leaderof the SPLM/A (July 25, 2006)
Agenda and Discussion Papers for PrincipalsCommittee Meeting on Darfur (October 26, 2006)
Agenda and Discussion Papers from PrincipalsCommittee Meeting on Darfur (January 4, 2007)
Defense Paper for the Principals Committee Meetingon Darfur/Sudan (February 15, 2007)
Agenda and Discussion Papers from Principals Meetingon Darfur (February 15, 2007)
Summary of Conclusions for Principals CommitteeMeeting on Darfur/Sudan (February 15, 2007)
President Bush Visits the United States HolocaustMemorial Museum (April 18, 2007)
President Bush Discusses Genocide in Darfur,Implements Sanctions (May 29, 2007)
President and Mrs. Bush Discuss Africa Policy, Tripto Africa (February 14, 2008)
Summary of Conclusions from Deputies CommitteeMeeting on Sudan (October 23, 2007)
Date: 18 April 2007
Author(s): George W. Bush (speech)
Description: Bush compares Darfur crisis toHolocaust, discusses African Union deployment to Darfur, highlights Holocaust Museum’s efforts in aiding situation, discusses other diplomatic efforts, discusses sanctionsand humanitarian aid.
Date: 29 May 2007
Author(s): George W. Bush
Description: Bush states that, since president of Sudan has failed to meet international obligations, U.S. will extend sanctions, work for another Security Council resolution, support African Union peacekeeping. Highlights previous American humanitarian efforts.
Date: 14 February 2008
Author(s): George W. Bush, Laura Bush
Description: Mrs. Bush discusses AIDS efforts, anti-disease efforts, and humanitarianism. President highlights debt relief, U.S. economic support, economic growth, capital support, need for free trade, anti-disease efforts, education, conflict resolution/democracy promotion.