14 January 2009
Dana Deruiter (Relief, Stabilization, and Development Directorate)
Classification Level:
National Security Council. Executive Office of the President. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. Dana Deruiter. Transition 3183.
Transition Memo:
Transition 3183 –President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
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Chronology for PEPFAR
Memorandum-for the President from Secretaries Powell and Thompson, "Creating a Leadership Structure for HIV/AIDS" (March 27, 2001)
Memorandum for the President from Margaret Lamontagne and Condoleezza Rice, "White House Office of National AIDS Policy"(April 7, 2001)
Date: 2002
Author(s): Unknown
Description: The presentation outlines the magnitude of the global AIDS crisis and states that theU.S. will lead the global effort against it, citing potential results and declaring $16.5 billion in funding over five years. The presentation then details the outline, including layered response, percent of cost supported, and several potential countries’ infrastructure. The presentation calls for urgent action to save lives.
Information Memorandum from Condoleezza Rice, "International HIV/AIDS Initiative" (May 29, 2002)
Executive Summary of Report by Mark Dybul, "Comprehensive, results-based, global initiative for the prevention, care, and treatment of HIV, TB, and Malaria”(August 2002)
Presentation: Scope of the Global HIV/AIDS Problem and Proposed U.S. Response (2002)
Date: 14 January 2009 (assumed released with memo)
Author(s): National Security Council (assumed)
Description: Chronology of major events concerning PEPFAR, including speeches, key memos, proposals, nominations, etc. Chronology notes tabs relevant to events.
Date: 27 March 2001
Author(s): Colin L. Powell, Tommy G. Thompson
Description: Powell and Thompson recommendtheCabinet Council to coordinate interagency activity in Bush’s efforts to fight HIV/AIDS. Memo also recommends the creation of a State Department committee chaired by under secretary for global affairs to coordinate State response (international resource mobilization, drug access, public diplomacy, international diplomacy).
Date: 7 April 2001
Author(s): Margaret Lamontagne and Condoleezza Rice
Description: Lamontagne and Rice follow up on Powell and Thompson’s memo (tab 2), suggesting a somewhat modified structure for the same purposeof fighting AIDS. They recommend using the White House Office of National AIDS Policy to deal with the issue and adding a representative from the Department of State to reflect the initiative’sinternational focus.
Date: 29 May 2002
Author(s): Condoleezza Rice
Description: Rice provides this memo, which states relevant facts about the scale of the international AIDS crisis, known treatment methods, avenues of support, and potential outcomes with appropriate resources.
Date: August 2002
Author(s): Mark Dybulo
Description: Dybul’s draft describes scale and harms of AIDS globally, outlines a plan of action (the first comprehensive actionplanagainst HIV/AIDS), describes howtheplan will adapt to varying infrastructure levels, outlines different tracks, statespotential results with adequate support, and specifies the plan’s administrative structure.
Date: 2002
Author(s): Unknown
Description: (I suspect that) this is the full document summarized in (tab 5). Document details scope of the AIDS problem, the potential for harm reduction, the urgency of action, the mechanisms of the proposed plan, the structure of implementation leadership, the plan’s relation to international/domestic AIDS programs, and pricing estimates.
Proposal for a Comprehensive, Results-Based Global Initiative for the Prevention, Care and Treatment of HIV, TB and Malaria (2002)
Date: 28 January 2003
Author(s): George W. Bush (speech)
Description: Bush deliversaState of the Union Address calling for tax reform, extend free market competition/insurance flexibility in healthcare, calling for environmental support, highlighting proposed AIDS response (with details on scale, cost, and impact), supporting anti-biological warfare measures, and justifyingthewar in Iraq. This State of the Union is significant forpublicly announcing and describing PEPFAR.
Date: 29 January 2003
Author(s): The White House, Office of the Press Secretary
Description: Document summarizes PEPFAR, including funding and objectives (prevention, treatment, and care). Document then justifies need for AIDS response giventhescale of crisis and time pressures involved. Document outlines the initiative’s multilayeredaid structure and management.
Date: 31 January 2003
Author(s): George W. Bush (speech)
Description: Bush extends thanks and highlights the moral imperative to combat AIDS, especially given America’s historical and present commitment to human rights. Bush describes PEPFAR funding along with other global funds, PEPFAR’s purpose of dramatically focusing efforts, targeted treatment and infrastructure results, and domestic AIDS treatment efforts.
Date: 27 May 2003
Author(s): George W. Bush (statement)
Description: Bush extendsthanks (particularly to Thompson and Powell, who submitted initial proposal). Bush describes impacts of AIDS, human storiesof those affected, other current initiatives, and PEPFAR aims and benefits.
Proposal for a Comprehensive, Results-Based Global Initiative for the Prevention, Care and Treatment of HIV, TB and Malaria (2002)
Fact Sheet: The President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (January 29, 2003)
Speech of PEPFAR (January 31, 2003)
Remarks on the Signing of H.R. 1298, U.S. Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Act of 2003 (May 27, 2003)
World AIDS Day Fact Sheets (2003-2007)
Date: 2003-2007(each on December 1, World AIDS Day)
Author(s):The White House, Office of the Press Secretary
Description:First document proclaims World AIDS Day on December 1, 2003. The statements underscore the perils of the AIDS crisis, the need to fight the epidemic, domestic and international progress in fighting AIDS, and calls for action.
Announcement of Five-Year, $30 Billion HIV/AIDS Plan (May 30, 2007)
Date: 30 May 2007
Author(s): George W. Bush (speech)
Description: Bush highlights the successes of PEPFAR thus far but calls current funding merely a good start against a massive problem. Bush calls for $30 billion over the next five years to continue efforts. Bush highlightstheresults-based aspect oftheprogram andstories of those benefitted by the program’s efforts.
Remarks on the Signing of H.R. 5501, the Tom Lantos and Henry J. Hyde United States Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Reauthorization Act of 2008 (July 30, 2008)
Date: 30 July 2008
Author(s): Laura Bush and George W. Bush (statement)
Description: Mrs. Bush highlights lives saved by PEPFAR, illustrating the point with human stories, and then introduces President Bush.PresidentBush extends thanks to bill supporters, points to the successes of PEPFAR, summarizes the plan’s methods, and states that bill will allowthecontinuation of fight against AIDS on multiple fronts.