16 January 2019
Bobby Pitman (African Affairs-NSC)
Classification Level:
Diplomatic and Peacekeeping options and accomplishments on the African continent
National Security Council. Executive Office of the President. Africa Conflict Resolution Policy. Bobby Pittman. Transition 6927
Transition Memo:
African Conflict Resolution Policy-Transition 6927
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Chronology for the President's Malaria Initiative
President Bush Discusses G-8 Summit (June 30, 2005)
Fact Sheet: Fighting Malaria in Africa (June 30, 2005)
Date: 15 December 2008
Author(s): National Security Council (Assumed)
Description: Timeline of significant developments regarding the President’s Malaria Initiative. Timeline includes significant speeches, announcements, missions, and other events. Timeline mentions transition memo tabs where relevant.
Highlights of the G-8 Communique on Africa (July 8, 2005)
Mrs. Bush's Remarks on the PMI (June 8, 2006)
President Bush Attends White House Summit on Malaria (December 14, 2006)
Mrs. Bush's Remarks at the White House Summit on Malaria (December 14, 2006)
Date:30 June 2005
Author(s): George W. Bush (speech)
Description: Bush states America’s moral and strategic interest in improving African living conditions. Bush highlights his support for the peace progress in Sudan, the World Bank, the Millennium Challenge Account, the African Growth, and Opportunity Act, PEPFAR, and other relief efforts.
Fact Sheet: The White House Summit on Malaria (December 14, 2006)
President and Mrs. Bush Discuss Malaria Awareness Day (April 25, 2007)
Fact Sheet: The President's Achievements at the G-8 Summit, Heiligendamm, Germany (June 8, 2007)
President Bush Discusses Trip to Africa at Leon H. Sullivan Foundation (February 26, 2008)
G-8 Declaration on Development and Africa (July 8, 2008)
Fact Sheet: The President’s Push for Accountability Highlights Successful G-8 Summit, Hokkaido Toyako, Japan(July 8, 2008)
Date: 30 June 2005
Author(s): The White House, Office of the Press Secretary
Description: Fact sheet describes Bush’s efforts in combating malaria. Fact sheet covers American funding goals,thescale of American efforts, areas of operation, notable private donations, and the call for future donations.Document details specific efforts taken to fight malaria.
Date: 8 July 2005
Author(s): Governments of the G-8
Description: Document states the points of G-8 agreement on African development. Points include peacekeeper support, anti-corruption efforts, commitment to basic education and healthcare, polio eradication,and good governance measures. Document includes commitment to saving 600,000 lives from malaria by 2015 and reaching 85 percent of vulnerable populations.
Date: 8 June 2006
Author(s): Laura Bush (speech)
Description: Mrs. Bush recalls President Bush’s call for action against malaria and lauds his success so far, pointing out notable efforts. Bush announces the expansion of efforts to four new countries. Bush announces the new position of malaria coordinator and introduces Admiral Timothy Zeimer as the first coordinator.
Date: 14 December 2006
Author(s):George W. Bush (speech)
Description: Bush extends thanks to administration officials involved in fight against malaria and reiterates responsibility to fight the disease. Bush summarizes current American efforts to counter malaria, including mosquito nets, indoor spraying, and medicine. Bush outlines the impactof his efforts. Bush states that volunteers/private cooperation is necessary to fighting malaria, thanks notable contributors, and announces the Volunteers for Prosperityprogram.
Date: 14 December 2006
Author(s): Laura Bush (speech)
Description: Mrs. Bush describes current efforts against malaria and the impacts of the PMI. Bush announces the start of the Malaria Communities Program, allocating $30 million to support African grassroots anti-malaria projects. Bush calls for donations and private/individual support for anti-malaria efforts and describes notable private efforts. Bush announces his designation of 25 April as Malaria Awareness Day.
Date: 14 December 2006
Author(s):The White House, Office of the First Lady
Description:Fact sheet announcesthefirst-ever White House Summit on Malaria. Document describes impact of current anti-malaria efforts. Document states that the Summit will announce new target countries, launchtheMalaria Communities Program, and create the Volunteers for Prosperity anti-malaria program. Document summarizes the Summit’s themes and mentions partner organizations.
Date: 25 April 2007
Author(s): George W. Bush, Laura Bush (remarks)
Description: Mrs. Bush describes notable efforts by Americans to fight malariaand announcesaprogram to distribute malaria nets to vulnerable Zambian populations. President Bushstates the PMI’s goals, the responsibility of America to help against malaria, the early successes of the initiative, the initiative’s methodology, and significant African efforts/American cooperation with Africans to fight the disease.
Date: 8 June 2007
Author(s): The White House, Office of the Press Secretary
Description: Fact sheet announces the G-8’sagreements on security, climate change, economic development, free trade, African support, and counterterrorism. Document details agreements on specific topics and regions, including Darfur, the DPRK, Israel-Palestine, Lebanon, and Iraq. Document specifically calls for improving governance, health infrastructure, HIV/AIDS/malaria treatment availability, and education for Africa.
Date: 26 February 2008
Author(s): George W. Bush (speech)
Description: Bush states that his efforts in Africa have made a huge impact. Bush talks the audience throughaslideshow documenting his recent trip in Africa. Through the speech, Bush describes individual encounters, high-level diplomatic conversations, and large-scale impact of PEPFAR/PMI. The presentationalso included a review of statebuilding/economic assistance/individual successes in Africa.
Date:8 July 2008
Author(s):Governments of the G-8
Description:Document states that, whilemuchprogress has been made on Millennium Development Goal, significant challenges remain. Document says that the G-8 has increased commitments tomeet said challenges. Document outlines the approach the G-8 is taking to improve aid effectivenesson a wide range of fronts.
Date: 8 July 2008
Author(s):The White House, Office of the Press SecretaryoClassification Level: Unclassified
Description:Fact sheet outlines commitments undertaken at July 2008 G-8 summit. Commitments include improving accountability of aid, taking further action against global climate change and world hunger, encouraging capital liberalization, committing to counterterrorism principles, and undertaking additional measures against tropical diseases. Document expounds further on accountability, food security, development, healthcare, and regional issues (Iran, Afghanistan, and others).
Fact Sheet: Development and Africa (July 8, 2008)
Date: 8 July 2008
Author(s): The White House, Office of the Press Secretaryo
Description: Fact sheet summarizes G-8 commitments to increasing aid for infectious diseases, the U.S.’sdonation matching challenge, PEPFAR’sscaleand successes, the PMI’sscaleand successes, health infrastructure efforts, counter-NTD efforts, open trade policies, and other topics.
President Bush Signs H.R. 5501, the Tom Lantos and Henry J. Hyde United States Global Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Reauthorization Act of 2008 (July 30, 2008)
Date: 30 July 2008
Author(s): Laura Bush, George W. Bush (remarks)
Description: Mrs. Bush introduces president and speaks to PEPFAR’simpactsin host nations. President Bush statesthechallenge of HIV/AIDS and the progress of PEPFAR in meeting it. Bush outlines commitments/aims of bill he is about to sign.